Stories of Hope and Healing

At Faithfully Restored, we believe in the transformative power of sharing our journeys. Each story here represents a life touched by grace, a heart lifted by community, and a soul strengthened by faith. These women have walked through trials, found solace in connection, and experienced the healing power of hope in Jesus. Click on the images to read their personal testimonies and be inspired by their courage, resilience, and unwavering faith. Through their words, may you find the encouragement and support you need on your own path to healing.

Chris Jones Chris Jones

Megan F.

“I received my first care package from Faithfully Restored a few months after my oldest child died from a brain tumor. At the time, it felt like everyone around our family had returned to normal life, as we continued to grieve. It was such a comfort to know that not only had someone thought to send my name in, but that there was a community praying for me while I navigated ongoing heartbreak and grief.”

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Chris Jones Chris Jones

Elizabeth K.

“FR gave my boys and I a tremendous amount of support during our most difficult days. They consistently helped us keep Kurt’s memory alive and supported us through our grief with no questions asked. Very grateful for the beautiful work they do. We are 5 years from losing Kurt and as you can see from picture the boys and I are thriving in our new normal.”

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Chris Jones Chris Jones

Brittney M.

“I lost my daughter in December of 2022 following a 3 week battle in the hospital for injuries sustained in a car accident. My whole world turned upside down, & my heart remains in pieces. For a long time, I was incredibly angry at God. The love and encouragement I received from you all through unexpected cards & gifts in the mail helped show me that God had not abandoned me. You guys serving as the hands and feet of Jesus helped to restore my faith. I appreciate you all more than you know, and I think the name of your organization, Faithfully Restored, is perfect. Thank you 💜”

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Chris Jones Chris Jones

Gia C.

“I don’t feel alone. FR has made me feel genuinely supported, not exploited. FR reminds me it’s ok to ask for help (prayer), it embodies a community culture that is rooted in the His word. And when I have prayed as a prayer partner, it makes sense of my own challenges. Remind info me that it’s honor to be used as a vessel of hope to others. “

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Chris Jones Chris Jones

Taylor V.

“A simple “thank you” never seems enough for the abundance of love, prayers, and support Faithfully Restored has blessed my family with. My daughter is the strong heart warrior she is because of the village that have supported her through her journey. She just had her 5th open heart surgery in May and got to come home to celebrate her second birthday with her family. We have a long journey of uncertainty and more surgeries, but every day we get to have with her is a blessing.”

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Chris Jones Chris Jones

Laken M.

“I received my care package from FR shortly after my son died. He was 7 weeks old and it was unexpected. Receiving love and prayers from women I’d never met was such a blessing. I will always be grateful for this ministry and the way the Lord uses it to uplift others during heartache and trials. “

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Chris Jones Chris Jones

Emily G.

“I could never forget Faithfully Restored! The women of Faithfully Restored were & still are such a blessing & lifesaver for myself & my teenage son. I remember the pink care package & that yall paid rent for me that same month we had just lost my son's father back in 2021. I still have the hand painted artwork with the scripture you sent to us and the picture of everyone (or maybe just some) that made these things possible. I cannot really put into words how grateful I am. I am forever grateful! Was certainly not expecting my rent to be paid which was a huge weight lifted! And the fact that yall were praying for my son and I means just as much - perhaps even more! It was like having a group of sisters I'd never met but knew you were praying for me and it made me feel so loved and special and it is so wonderful to be able to experience such love when going through such heartache. We all face heartache throughout life. Faithfully Restored helped pick me up and remind me that I am not alone and that they are so many reasons to be grateful. Also I would like you all to know I look at the pictures and scripture sometimes on my worst days and it reminds me of the love yall shared with me and my son and it helps. Thank you for the love and genuine support you gave and thank you for loving me and for praying for my son and I! It means so much and it always will! The women of Faithfully Restored always have a special place in my heart! I am sorry for this late response! I could go on & on & would love to share more! There's so much to say about the love of God & I'm just so grateful & happy that you all are doing this! You helped a single mom not worry about how she was going to pay rent! And became a friend, a pen pal, if you will! I have always prayed for you all too, & have been brought to tears (of love and thankfulness) when reading your kind words of love & support. I still have the handwritten note! Thank you! Thank God ! We love you! Can't wait to give back one day”

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Chris Jones Chris Jones

Jeanine N.

“Dear faithfully restored women, on June 8, 2023 I lost my 17 year old son in a motorcycle accident. His name was Parker Glynn Nugent. Parker was my middle child and my only son. He was an amazing kid who loved BIG wherever he went and was a friend to many. The hole he has left in our house and our hearts is giant. “

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Chris Jones Chris Jones

Alice S.

“This organization has helped me find God again after the death of my only son, Ian. I was so angry with God when he called him home, but after attending a Faithfully Restored event I felt ready to take God's hand as I walk this journey.”

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Chris Jones Chris Jones

Whitney N.

“Hard to even sum up how the Lord has used Faithfully Restored to show me time and time again that He is with me, He cares for me, He is into the details, and He is working in every situation. Each time a little pink package is in my mailbox, it has been the perfect timing! The prayers you all have prayed for me after the tragic loss of my aunt, losing a friend in the tragedy of the Covenant Shooting, and my most recent health trial with Lyme Disease and POTS… your prayers are powerful and effective and have been a tangible reminder of the goodness of God in each and every season. Thank you for praying for me and our family — your ministry is the hands and feet of Jesus!!!”

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